"In the coyuntura, we have not yet won. Each act carries risks we must weight. Not all our alliances will hold. Repression can escalate alongside bribery. Some of what we want to build can't yet be built. We point ourselves toward those dreams, but the conditions don't yet exist to make them happen. Standing there in the mud, our job is to keep talking about stars while we shovel slush, add gravel, pass around hot thermoses."
My job is to help map the stars and keep us pointed toward them, to help plot a course across muddy ground that takes into account the need for starry inspiration and good, strong shoes.
I will ask again and again, what would it look like to win? How will you know when you get there? What is your biggest, most impossible seeming dream? Anything less is unworthy of our efforts.
My job is to help map the stars and keep us pointed toward them, to help plot a course across muddy ground that takes into account the need for starry inspiration and good, strong shoes.
I will ask again and again, what would it look like to win? How will you know when you get there? What is your biggest, most impossible seeming dream? Anything less is unworthy of our efforts.